Your loved one can no longer get by without some type of help. Does that mean it’s time to move to an assisted living facility? That may not be the case. There’s the possibility that arranging for some type of in home care for elderly Broomfield CO would make it possible to remain in the home for several more years. Here are some reasons to consider this option closely.
Remaining in Familiar Surroundings
After living for years or even decades in the same home, letting go is difficult. Knowing where everything happens to be, what spots in the backyard are best for reading or enjoying the sun, and even knowing what sort of view the living room windows provide hold a lot of comfort. Giving up all of that can be hard for anyone, but especially someone who is getting used to not being able to do everything they did in the past.
If someone can come in for several hours a day and take care of things, it’s easier to stay in familiar surroundings and continue to enjoy all of the things that matter. In terms of making the days more pleasant, this is something that should be considered small.
General Support With Household Tasks is Mainly What’s Needed
Your loved one doesn’t need much in the way of medical support, other than being reminded that it’s time to take medicine. Most of the issue revolves on household tasks that are not as easy to manage as in the past. Things like doing the laundry, vacuuming and dusting, and changing the bed linens require more stamina than your loved one can manage.
With this form of in home care for elderly Broomfield CO, the focus is having someone come in who can handle those tasks on behalf of your loved one. Perhaps that individual can also provide someone to talk to and prepare meals. This allows your loved one to spend more time focusing on things that he or she can still do and be less distressed about tasks that can no longer be done with ease.
No Need to Part With Cherished Possessions
Giving up the home and moving to any type of assisted living facility means downsizing. Some possessions that may have a great deal of sentimental value will have to be passed on to relatives, sold at yard sales, or donated to local charities. Whatever the means used, those possessions will no longer be around.
This is another area that should be delayed if possible. Adjusting to the reality of not being able to do everything for oneself takes time. If your loved one is not ready to give up the home and some type of in home care is sufficient, it’s fine to put off the day when it’s necessary to give up cherished possessions.
Your Loved One Still Has a Sense of Autonomy
Being able to remain in the home does help reinforce the perception of being in control of one’s own destiny. Even if there is the need for help with some tasks, the loved one still feels in control. That can be especially important when fears of no longer being in control are starting to filter into the mind.
Even if it’s just for a few years, having someone come in to help can maintain that sense of autonomy and help your loved one feel better about things. Consider it a good way to bridge what was with what will likely happen in the future.
Consider your loved one’s condition and needs closely. If you believe that help in the form of someone who comes in for several hours a day or even moves in to provide help would do the trick, give this approach a try. You may be surprised at how happy this solution makes that very important person in your life.