Many have the misconception that dark eye circles are only caused by lack of sleep and tiredness. If truth be told, there are many other reasons for dark eye circles. Some of the possible causes include the natural aging process and allergies. Dark eye circles can appear blue, purple, or dark brown, often depending on the skin color.
While dark eye circles are harmless, many opt for dark eye circles removal for cosmetic reasons primarily. In several cases, dark eye circles call for a lifestyle change like diet enhancements or improvement to one’s sleeping habits. Fortunately, there are also several dark eye circle removal options available. For starters:
Moisturization and Hydration
Eyelid surgery won’t be able to remove or correct the dark circles as it involves skin pigmentation. Proper moisturization and hydration can help with dark eye circles. It’s not common knowledge but the skin around the eyes is very thin unlike the skin on the rest of the body.
Since the skin around the eyes is only 0.5mm thin, it would require more moisture. Nowadays, there are several skin care lines that combine moisturizers and other active ingredients that are designed primarily to moisturize the thin skin around the eyes. If you don’t like going under the knife, this is one avenue you can explore.
PRP (Placement-Rich Plasma) for Dark Circles
Another option that’s designed to address dark circles under the eyes is platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP is taken from the blood of the patient and it contains regenerative and growth factors. Since it is from the patients themselves, there is very low risk of complications and allergies occurring.
RPR also works by improving collagen production and blood supply in areas where they are lacking. This treatment option is considered ideal for those with genetic dark circles. As the quality of skin improves, the very thin skin below the eyes can also become thicker and healthier.
Fractional CO2 Laser and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
The thin skin under the eyelid can become thinner because of the diminishing quality of the skin. In many cases, this also results in wrinkles. To address dark eye circles and wrinkles, a combination of fractional CO2 laser and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is considered ideal.
Fractional CO2 laser has been known to help boost collagen production. The heat produced by the laser can also stimulate collagen production and skin remodeling. Fractional lasers can also help improve the quality of the skin. PRP can also increase the supply of blood and help rebuild the eyelid area.
Blepharoplasty and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)
Most people with dark circles also have puffy under eye bags. Severe puffy eye bags can be addressed surgically through lower eyelid blepharoplasty. However, surgery won’t be able to address the dark circles. PRP is also typically used in conjunction with lower blepharoplasty to enhance adjacent hollowing and darkness under the eyes.
Other Treatment Options Available
Topical Creams
Dark circles under the eyes can be managed through bleaching creams. Some topical creams that are recommended include tretinoin, hydroquinone, or a combination of the two. Often, topical treatments need to be used for at least three months before a significant effect is noticeable.
Topical Vitamin C
One study explored the possible effects of using 10% vitamin C lotion in treating dark circles. The treatment lasted for six months. The study concluded that topical Vitamin C can effectively help in lightening any darkening under the eyes.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels that use alpha hydroxy acids have also been known to help address hyperpigmentation under the eyes. For better results, some are advised to use chemical peels combined with topical creams.