
Natural Approaches To Relieving Your Stress

While stress is unavoidable in life, too much can potentially impact your mental and physical health. That’s why it’s vital to recognize the symptoms of excessive stress and find ways to manage it more effectively. To help you get started, here is a brief look at common symptoms and a few science-backed approaches for stress relief.

As we are all different, stress affects us in our own way. That being said, there are many shared indications — both physical and emotional — of the toll it’s taking on a person. These may include changes in appetite, forgetfulness, headaches, insomnia, muscle tension or irritability. With chronic stress, these symptoms could worsen and new, more debilitating ones may develop, such as depression, hypertension and a weakened immune system.

If you’re feeling overwhelmingly stressed, it’s important to know you’re not alone. We all feel stressed out from time to time. In fact, 80% of people report feeling stress at work. More alarmingly, 33% report feeling extreme levels of stress. As a result of so many people experiencing the same difficulty, there have been a lot of products released to address stress. While some of these may deliver results, there are plenty of natural, science-based remedies to try before putting your trust in the latest “quick fix.”

One such approach is yoga. You may have heard of the stress-relieving benefits of yoga, but did you know many of the claims are supported by medical research? For instance, it has been shown to balance hormones, regulate nerve impulses and moderate the nervous system. What’s more, performing yoga regularly could help regulate blood pressure and heart rate. All these potential benefits work together to reduce your stress levels and enhance your ability to handle stressful situations. It’s also a great way to refocus and unwind while getting exercise.

Another helpful approach is to be more mindful of what you put inside your body. Reducing your caffeine intake and switching to a nutrient-rich diet could do wonders for improving mood. So too could the right dietary supplements: There are specially designed formulas available to help support stress management using doctor-approved active herbal extracts. Sleep aids may also be constructive for those having trouble getting a good night’s sleep due to stress. Of course, it’s crucial to speak with your doctor to receive a diagnosis or before taking any new supplements.

While stress is a part of life, it doesn’t have to have such an impact on yours. Going forward, consider using yoga, dietary aids, meditation, journaling and other natural approaches to improve the way you handle stress. For additional natural remedies to help with your stress, please see the accompanying resource.

Infographic provided by Best After Solutions, experts on natural weight loss supplements

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