
Tell-A-Tale Signs That You Need To See A Gastroenterologist!

From simple problems like indigestion and acid reflux to peptic ulcers, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, there are a wide range of digestive disorders. Most people use over-the-counter medications for common abdomen pain and discomfort, but if symptoms persist for more than two days, you should consider seeing a gastro doctor or gastroenterologist. In this post, we will talk about the tell-a-tale signs that indicate the need for medical intervention.

  • Your fart smells. Flatulence isn’t a serious disorder, unless your gas makes people uncomfortable. Things can get serious if you have abdominal discomfort, pain or change in bowel movements. Some people tend to have a flatulence problem accompanied with smelly farts, but get checked if you see any sudden changes
  • You have abdominal pain. Having abdominal pain for more than two days is a sign of digestive issues. It can be anything related to a kidney problem or even gallstones or indigestion. Taking painkillers will only suppress the pain, so make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • You have lost weight. Sometimes, stomach problems can cause people to lose weight. This is usually accompanied by loss of appetite, as well. Check with an experienced gastroenterologist if you don’t feel better in two to three days.
  • You feel bloated all the time. Stomach bloating is often uncomfortable and hard to talk about. If bloating seems unusual and doesn’t seem to subside, you can choose to see a doctor. If bloating is due to indigestion, it should normally get better in like two days.
  • You have blood stools. If you see blood in your stool, there’s likely to be a problem with your digestive system. Fresh blood can be caused by hemorrhoids, but black stools for more than a day should be considered seriously.
  • You have dark urine. This is usually a sign of kidney problem. Drink enough water to check possible changes in urine color, but the color is too yellowish or brown, go and see a doctor. Sometimes, jaundice can be a cause of change in urine and skin color.

  • You have constipation. While most people don’t take constipation seriously, it can lead to other problems in certain situations. Make sure to see a doctor when you have chronic constipation that doesn’t seem to get better.

Find a gastroenterologist and clinic that specializes in digestive disorders and abdominal problem and don’t forget to ask relevant questions.

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