
What are the Best Rosacea Treatment in Singapore?

Rosacea is a very prevalent skin condition that causes flushing and blushing. The condition also produces small bumps that are filled with pus. Rosacea symptoms and signs can flare up for several weeks and then go away on its own. Often, the condition is mistaken for acne and other skin problems.

The good thing is there are many rosacea treatment available nowadays to effectively manage the condition. If you suspect you have the condition, it would be best to visit your dermatologist so you will be provided with rosacea treatment. Certain recommendations and tips may also be provided to manage the condition. 

Common Signs and Symptoms

Some of the most prevalent signs and symptoms of rosacea include:

  • Enlarged nose. Left unattended, the condition can thicken the skin on the nose. This also causes it to become bulbous. This is more common in men than in women.
  • Facial flushing or blushing. Rosacea is also known to cause persistent flushing or blushing in the central part of the person’s face. However, the flushing or blushing is not clear on black and brown skin.
  • Burning sensation. The skin on the area affected can feel tender and hot.
  • Swollen lumps. Many who suffer from the condition develop pimples on their faces. The pimples are often mistaken for acne as they often contain pus.
  • Visible veins. People with rosacea can develop spider veins. This occurs when the small blood vessels found on the cheeks and nose break and become more apparent.
  • Eye problems. Many people with rosacea also experience swollen eyelids and eyes. The eyes can also become irritated and dry. This condition is known as ocular rosacea. Often, this condition will precede the symptoms on the skin.

Treatment Options

Generally, rosacea treatment will focus on managing the symptoms. Often, management will require a combination of prescription drugs and good skin care. Duration of the treatment will depend on the severity and the type of symptoms. However, recurrence of the condition is quite common.


  • Topical Drugs. For rosacea that’s mild to moderate, a gel or cream that is applied to the skin may be prescribed. Some medications can minimize the flushing by constricting the blood vessels. Results can sometimes be seen within 12 hours after application. However, the effects can be temporary so the cream needs to be reapplied.
  • Oral Antibiotics. Oral antibiotics may also be prescribed to manage a severe case of the condition.
  • Oral Drug for Acne. Those with severe cases of the condition may be prescribed isotretinoin if the condition won’t respond to other therapies. Isotretinoin is a powerful acne medication that can help effectively clear up rosacea’s acne-like lesions. This medication should not be used while pregnant as it might cause birth defects.

Laser Therapy

To make blood vessels that are enlarged less visible, laser therapy may be given. Since laser therapy is used to target and manage visible veining, it’s not effective on brown, black, or tanned skin. It is recommended that you speak with your dermatologist about the benefits and risks of this treatment option.

Possible side effects of this treatment can include bruising and swelling that can last for days. Gentle skin care and icing is often recommended during the healing and recovery period. For black or brown skin, it is possible that this treatment option can cause permanent or long-term skin discoloration.

Full effect of laser therapy may not be visible for several weeks. Repeating the treatment may be required to achieve the desired results. Rosacea laser treatment is generally considered a cosmetic procedure. As such, the treatment is not covered by insurance.

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