Behavioral health refers to a variety of substance abuse and mental health disorders as well as physical symptoms associated with life stressors. According to the experts at Horizon Health, behavioral health management is an especially important part of healthcare that refers to the prevention and treatment of such conditions. It is a complete program of care for people who are suffering with mental health, substance abuse, or behavioral disorders.
What Does Behavioral Management Involve?
Behavioral health management involves an assessment and screening, diagnosis of a condition, and then the creation of a comprehensive treatment plan that might include a combination of medication, counseling, and therapy.
The first step in behavioral health management is assessment and screening. It will incorporate a full assessment of the patient’s behavioral and mental health so that an appropriate care plan can be created specific to that person. Any screening tests that are deemed necessary will be carried out at this point.
Based on the results of the screening and assessment, a full treatment plan will then be created that will include various methods and strategies identified as the most appropriate for the individual. The plan might include medication to address a specific mental or behavioral condition. Managing how this medication is taken is an important aspect of the plan. It may be that the medication will be taken for a short period of time to see if the person’s symptoms improve. If not, a different medication may be prescribed. If necessary, the dosage might also be altered during treatment. The behavioral health provider will manage the administration of the medication.
Treatment plans for behavioral and mental health conditions typically include far more than just medication though. In fact, counseling and therapy are often major components of any treatment plan. It is typical for therapies such as psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to be used to improve both emotional and mental health and wellbeing.
Who Provides Behavioral Health Management?
Behavioral health management and treatment is typically provided by a team of professionals that include psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, therapists, and specially trained nurses. Patients will usually be seen by more than one professional during their care. This ensures that they are getting the most effective treatment throughout.
In most instances, behavioral health will be provided in conjunction with primary care. Medical professionals know the importance of addressing mental health conditions alongside physical symptoms as they are intertwined and linked. Treating one can have a significant impact on the other. This is referred to as collaborative care.
What are the Benefits of Behavioral Health Management?
There are many benefits of managing behavioral health. Patients will typically have better outcomes when this is included as part of their treatment program. Since behavioral health management can help to prevent the onset of certain mental health conditions it has the benefit of keeping patients both healthier and happier. This then should improve their quality of life and, ultimately, reduce their healthcare costs.
The importance of behavioral health management really cannot be understated. Conditions like substance abuse, eating disorders, mental health disorders, and personality disorders all require comprehensive treatment plans provided by a team of medical professionals that may include psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and counselors.
A behavioral health management treatment plan will address the individual’s specific needs and requirements with the specific aim of improving quality of life. Addressing behavioral health might help prevent certain conditions, but it can also help individuals to manage any symptoms they could have. Behavioral health management can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to live a normal life and maintain healthy relationships.